"Smol PP" Shirt

Are you hung like a raisin? Own it! And, what better way to manage the expectations of your next hot date than with a shirt that boldly states that you're packing a Vienna Sausage in your trousers? Let the world know! Take pride in it! Have the undeniably bold confidence it takes to be honest with yourself and with others. The shirt says "Smol PP (Very Smol)." Your would-be lover will be thrilled to know that the next sexcapade will be oral-centric. Got get em, Short Stack!

"Sodomy Laws Are Gay" Shirt

Are you tired of daddy government staring down his nose into your bedroom? It's time we stick it to the man! Figuratively speaking of course... Let the world know your position on uncomfortable positions with our "Sodomy Laws Are Gay" shirt. You'll be the life of the party, an intellectual socialite shining your progressive virtue on all the unevolved deplorables with this bold statement of love and dissent.

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