"Future Food" Cockroach Shirt

Have you ever stopped to think that this planet simply does not have the resources to sustain human life indefinitely? The population is only growing as is the demand for food. Our food and water supply is dwindling. In the event of an inevitable food crisis, should we decided to not turn cannibal, we will be forced to resort to less desirable food options. Luckily, with world is in no short supply of roaches.

This shirt depicts a cockroach on a gourmet-styled, round frame with the words “Future Food” written beneath it. Guaranteed to gross-out anyone you come across.

"Living in Dystopia" Shirt

The country is the most divided that it’s been in years. We are split on ideologies, politics, religions and beliefs. As of the writing of this description, the United States is currently being run by a thin-skinned billionaire con artist. Britain has walked away from the E.U. Separatism is on the rise. It’s as though civilization is being run off a cliff.

While we’ve no qualms with whatever direction humanity takes (ultimately, nothing matters), we aren’t reluctant to acknowledge with sad state of affairs. That’s why we made this shirt that says “Livin’ In Dystopia”. To some, this shirt will probably come off as a wee-bit hyperbolic. So, please wear with caution.

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